Safety Briefing for Swimming Off Boats

      Before You Swim We Will:

  • Check Weather Conditions: Ensure the water is calm and the weather is favourable. Avoid swimming in stormy or windy conditions.
  • Assess Swimming Abilities: Everyone should be confident swimmers. Non-swimmers should never enter the water.
  • Life Jackets: Always have an approved life jacket for everyone on board and readily accessible.
  • First Aid Kit: Ensure a well-stocked first aid kit is on board.
  • Swimming Area: Choose a safe swimming area away from boat traffic, underwater obstacles, and strong currents.
  • Anchor, ground vessel or tie up to a Jetty: Consider anchoring or tie up.
  • Supervision: Assign a responsible adult to watch swimmers at all times.
  • Communication: Establish clear hand signals or verbal communication methods to alert the boat operator of any issues.
  • Emergency Equipment: Have essential emergency equipment, such as a throwable flotation device, available on board.
  • Boat Engine: Ensure the boat engine is completely off before anyone enters the water.


     While Swimming You Will

  • Enter and Exit Carefully: Use a ladder, swim platform or beach to enter and exit the water. No jumping off the boat.
  • Buddy System: Swim with a buddy and stay within sight of the boat.
  • Avoid Alcohol and Drugs: These impair judgment and reaction time.
  • Be Aware of Surroundings: Watch for other boats, swimmers, and marine life.
  • Respect Marine Life: Avoid touching or disturbing marine animals.
  • Fatigue: Be aware of fatigue and avoid overexertion.
  • Do Not Swim Under the Boat: This is extremely dangerous due to the risk of propeller injury.
  • Children: Children should always be closely supervised while swimming.
  • Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen and wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Signal for Help: If in distress, signal for help immediately.

Boat Safety

  • Engine Off: We will always turn off the boat engine before swimming & during swimming.
  • Monitor for Swimmers: We will keep a constant lookout for swimmers, (especially if/when manoeuvring the boat.)
  • Local Regulations: We will adhere to all local boating and swimming regulations.

Emergency Procedures

By following these guidelines, you can significantly enhance your safety while enjoying swimming off your boat. Remember, prevention is key.

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